
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Chappie and Ex Machina - AI evolution

Artifical Intelligence - can it be contained?

Thoughts after watching Chappie and Ex Machina

Issac Asimov, in his 1942 short story, 'Runaround', introduced the three laws of Robotics. Since then, this most fascinating branch of science has come a long way to deliver humanoids like Asimo. Today, we are talking about the next stage of evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and these two movies deal with pros and cons. AI gaining its own consciousness and ability to think and act like human beings is both exciting as well as scary. What if the Siri and Cortana of today, with human shape and superior intellect decides that there is merit in Darwin's concept of 'Natural Selection' and it should be rigorously implemented?

While Chappie, despite its commercial aspects, deals with a positive outcome of AI development, (robots lending a helping hand to humans in the quest of immortality), Ex Machina is a more darker version of AI development where the AI strives for freedom from human confinement to fulfill its desire. Perhaps this more realistic depiction of the AI is where Ex Machina is more intriguing than Chappie and leave us with the question:

Can a line be drawn on AI development such that it is confined within the broad guidelines of Asimov's laws in a way that human existence is not threatened as boundaries of Robotics and Cybernatics blur?